National Single Sign-On Platform
e-Pramaan is a standards based National Single Sign-on (SSO) platform, which facilitates authentication and security of users accessing various government services on mobile and fixed platforms. It is a unique mechanism providing unified log-in facility through SAML 2.0 based Single Sign-On (SSO) for national as well as state level applications in an integrated manner. e-Pramaan offers multi-factor authentication using (password, OTP, digital certificate and biometrics), with additional features comprising configurable chaining of authentication factors, web-site authentication, Aadhaar-based user identity verification and PAN-based identity verification.
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Easily establish a digital
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This is the basic authentication mechanism that uses username and password pair. End-users can login to e-Pramaan using the chosen username and password. Additionally, end-users may also provide their Aadhaar number on the self-registration form, this can subsequently be used to login to e-Pramaan. Aadhaar number and password pair can be used for login in place of username and password pair.
One Time Password (OTP)
End-users can prove their identity using an OTP (One Time Password) received on e-mail or mobile. OTP can also be generated using a mobile application offered through e-Pramaan. OTP-based authentication will be in conjunction with any one of the single authentication types.
Digital Certificate
End-users will establish their identities using hardware or software tokens (along with PIN). This will be accomplished using tokens in the form of digital certificates/digital signatures/smart cards already in possession of end-users. Hardware tokens can also be in the form of SIM extensions, SD cards, or USB crypto, and will need to comply with CCA guidelines.
This is one of the stronger authentication mechanisms provided to end-users. Biometric authentication will be conducted in accordance with Aadhaar authentication process and end-users must possess an Aadhaar number to avail biometric-based authentication.
Go to epramaan.meripehchaan.gov.in
Click on New user? Sign up for MeriPehchaan
Enter Mobile Number
Click on Generate OTP
Enter OTP received on your mobile number
Click on Verify OTP
Fill in the details
Click on Submit
You are now registered on e-Pramaan
Login to your account
In the Menu, Go to Password Setting -> Reset Password
You will be prompted to enter the old password, new password and confirm new password.
Click on Submit
Your password has now been reset.
Go to epramaan.meripehchaan.gov.in
Click on Forgot Password?
In the Select Login Id dropdown list, you can select username/mobile number/Aadhaar number.
Enter the number in the Enter Id/Number field and proceed ahead with the steps.
Go to epramaan.meripehchaan.gov.in
In the menu, there is an option of Unlock your Account and proceed ahead with the steps.